SIC 54 - Portrait Photo Course Giveaway

SIC 54 - Portrait Photo Course Giveaway

Discover the secrets to making money from your photography and Brent's new portrait photography course giveaway. Share - New podcast, PhotoProfit - How to make money from photography. Inspire - After dark with yachts and fires! Create - Become a better portrait...
SIC 53 - Magnificently Awesome Model Photography with Neil vN

SIC 53 - Magnificently Awesome Model Photography with Neil vN

Discover the secrets to amazing model photography & what is Neil's real name? Share - Is Neil magnificently awesome or just awkwardly bland? Inspire - NYC model photography that is out of this world! Create - White balance magic & how to shoot a wedding with...
SIC 52 - One Year

SIC 52 - One Year

Celebrating One Year with Talented and Great Photographers. Share - Why did we create the SIC show? Inspire - Interviewing great photographers Create - What we have created Got a photography question or feedback from the show leave a comment below or hit us up on...
SIC 51 - Johny Shares the Photo Love

SIC 51 - Johny Shares the Photo Love

In this episode of the SIC Show you'll get a present from Johny plus a NINJA Lightroom CC tip. Share - Johny's FREE Lightroom and Photoshop course Inspire - Zenith Beach last light beauty. Create - A killer Lightroom CC or 6 tip that opens up a whole new world of...
SIC 50 Blake Rudis

SIC 50 Blake Rudis

Zone out with us in this artistic SIC show - no HDR drugs were taken - promise! Share - Artist turned photographer? Inspire - Images that speak to you & the HDR drug! Create - Blake's workflow using the Zone System (based on Ansel Adams system) and how it can help...

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